IT Systems Distribution

Invaya's global channel is dedicated to distribution of advanced technologies to enterprises and consumers.

Emerging technology companies embrace distribution and channel partnerships. New developments reshape the technology landscape: cloud, mobility, big data, cybersecurity, next-generation robotics, cognitive systems, and more. It is all adds up to unprecedented opportunities, locating distributors at the center of today’s global value chain.

The distributer plays a critical role in selecting the right vendors and products to enable business' growth. Core to this element is the use of best practices and key factors to make a profound difference.

Most markets comprise thousands of dealers and resellers. Vendors find that it takes months or even years to research, select and appoint the right partners. The right distributer can help the vendor fine tune his proposition for the channel and provide the vendor a huge time-to-market advantage.


  • Construction and Engineering
  • Infrastructure
  • Smart Cities
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Industry 4.0
  • AI


Product Management

Management right

Product management is a vital role within technological enteprises. It's a matrix ...


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